SEVEN - Medium to High Level Pattern Recognition
There is no time limit, and reference materials such as dictionaries or encyclopedias, for example, to look up a word you do not know, are encouraged. Please try to solve the problems on your own, and do not reveal any found answers to others.
A problem is made up of a set of words, figures, shapes or a mixture thereof. The elements of a column or set share a common pattern/feature. You have to explain the shard feature or pattern. To lock the intended solution, the common features or patterns of two problems shown next to each other contrast, but are not always exact opposites.
An answer should be a short sentence, and needs to point out the feature or pattern. Even the obscure-looking questions have clear, easily explainable answers. Once found and seen, it's obvious. Like many things in life.
Example questions
Example 1 A) B)
Example of a correct answer:
A) All are male names.
B) All are female names.
Example 2 A) B)
Example of a correct answer:
A) All the hearts have a smiley in them, and all the triangles have a star in them.
B) All the hearts have a star in them, and all the triangles have a smiley in them.
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